Twitter Revue is a game changer

Do you crave using more than 280 characters to communicate with your Twitter following? What if you wanted to share product look-books, business updates, deep-dives, theories, contemplations, world-visions, hopes, dreams and aspirations? Maybe a newsletter would hit the mark. Luckily for you, Twitter has bridged the gap between your Twitter following and getting your big ideas into bigger word counts with Revue. What’s even better is that you can use Revue as another stream of revenue.


Let’s look at what Revue is, how it works and why it’s good for business…

What is Revue?

Revue is a newsletter tool owned by Twitter. Twitter announced it had “acquired” the Dutch startup in January 2021. Twitter touts that Revue is a way to create newsletters, imbed content and earn money from paid subscribers.

Twitter + Revue pop-up with newsletter information

An announcement by Twitter stated, “writers and long-form content curators are a valuable part of the conversation and it’s critical we offer new ways for them to create and share their content, and importantly, help them grow and better connect with their audience.”

Setting up your newsletter

It’s easy to set up a newsletter with Revue.

Here’s how:

  1. Open Twitter and select ‘More’ from the navigation bar on the left-hand side.
  2. Tap ‘Newsletters’.
  3. A pop-up for Revue will appear. Click ‘Find out more’. You’ll be automatically navigated to the Revue website.
  4. Tap ‘Start a newsletter for free’.

5. Sign up with your Twitter account or an email address.

Sign up to Revue with your Twitter account or email address

Alternatively, go straight to the Revue webpage using this link:

Features within Revue

With Revue you can create beautiful, professional newsletters by utilising several handy features. Add character to your text with options such as: bold, bullet points, links and quotes. Seamlessly embed tweets and videos. When you’re ready, preview or schedule your newsletter.

Revue features drag-and-drop tweets, sections, quotes and media

If you’ve signed up using your Twitter account, you can pull tweets into your newsletter from the panel on the right-hand side. You can link other social media platforms and integrations for more options.

Link social media platforms for drag-and-drop capabilities

Revue also boasts:

  • Subscribe forms
  • Cross-posting
  • Social sharing
  • Custom domains
  • Content integrations
  • Subscriber feedback
  • API
  • Support

Making money with Revue

To make money with Revue you must set up a paid newsletter option, giving your subscribers the opportunity to become paying members.

To do this:

  1. Tap your profile icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
  2. Select ‘Account settings’ from the drop-down menu.
  3. Go to the ‘Members’ tab.
Tap your profile icon, then go to ‘Account settings’ then ‘Members’

Once in the 'Members' tab, follow the instructions by adding your details, connecting your Stripe account for payment, setting a fee and deciding on your newsletter options.

Complete the steps to set up your paid newsletter with Revue

Twitter takes a 5% cut of earnings made through Revue members.

Why Revue is good for business

Here are some reasons why it’s a good idea to add Revue to your business strategy...

Build a stronger audience

Newsletters are extremely valuable because they give you a direct line of communication with consumers and you don’t have to rely on algorithms or adverts to get your content to the people who want to see it. According to Upland, newsletter subscribers consume more content and spend more time on your website.

Keep your email list

Whether or not you decide to keep using Revue, you can build, keep and take your email list with you. This takes the worry out of having to stick with a company. The valuable data gathered through your hard work stays in your hands.

Twitter users can subscribe to your newsletter at the touch of a button without ever leaving Twitter. This optional feature of Revue places your newsletter at the top of your Twitter profile with a button for users to subscribe to it.

Revue newsletter subscribe button at the top of Twitter profile

To enable this:

  1. Tap your profile icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
  2. Select ‘Account settings’ from the drop-down menu.
  3. Go to the ‘Integrations’ tab.
Go to Account settings>Integrations>Twitter>Settings

4. Underneath 'Sources', find Twitter.

5. Tap ‘Settings’.

6. Toggle the checkbox to show newsletter on Twitter profile.

7. Make sure to ‘Save changes’.

Toggle ‘Show newsletter on Twitter profile’

Alternatively, you could opt to show an example issue of your newsletter on your Twitter account to encourage subscriptions. Choose one of your issues from the drop-down menu. You can’t choose to show members-only issues as these must be paid for by the reader.

Plug in and play

The infrastructure is ready for your business to plug in and play, with professional results. Without the need for a website designer or any additional budget, you can easily get going with a new revenue stream in a matter of minutes, absolutely free of charge. This is particularly helpful if you’re part of a smaller company with a smaller team or without a big budget to get everything off the ground all at once.

Make money

The option to add another stream of revenue to your business is a welcome option. It’s great that it is an option, not a requirement, so you can craft a newsletter that works with your business goals.

It’s cool to see even more monetisation options and exciting features flourishing on Twitter. This can help take that beautiful following you're building and provide more value to them and to your business. Of course, none of this matters if you’re struggling to grow and keep that following in the first place. Don't worry - we’ve got you covered. Here at we’re dedicated to helping you grow your following on social media and keep it thriving. Check out in-depth analytics and helpful articles for all your business needs on social media.

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