Sandwich Sandwich has the recipe for social media success

We have found the best brand to awaken your senses. Rising like a fragrant batch of dough on a sunny morning, Sandwich Sandwich proves even something as simple as a sarnie can swirl a social media presence into a sensation. This award winning independent sandwich shop has the recipe for success so let’s mix it up and get chopping…

Step 1. Roll out your star ingredient.

It’s always a good thing if you have a ‘thing’. For example, when you think of Lush, you probably think of bath bombs. When you think of Greggs, a sausage roll might be the first thing that comes to mind. With McDonald’s, it’s probably burgers. Although these brands offer up more on the menu, having a ‘thing’ to associate with your brand puts your business in prime position when a craving strikes.

Can you guess what Sandwich Sandwich sells? I think you’d be pretty surprised if it turned out to be a cleaning company. By putting sandwiches front and centre of the branding and product line, Sandwich Sandwich is an obvious choice when the desire for big breads and full-on fillings comes bubbling up. Want a sandwich? Think Sandwich Sandwich. This clear focus provides potential customers with simple expectations that can be met and exceeded.

Sandwich Sandwich has perfected sandwiches as its star product line

When it comes to setting a solid foundation, do one thing and do it well. It’s far better to have a small selection of standout products or services than to offer a large range of subpar substitutions. Options can always be expanded in time to gain new interest while upholding standards. Besides, according to psychologist Barry Schwartz customers prefer fewer options anyway. It can lead to higher sales and happier customers, so don’t be afraid to take on a simple task and defy the ordinary.

What’s your ‘thing’? What will make people instantly think of your brand when they need or want something specific? Take a moment to sniff out your star ingredient to put front and centre of your branding. Consider including it in your business name and social handles for simple psychological stickiness.

Step 2. Focus on the filling.

Social media content is like the filling of a sandwich. It should be eagerly anticipated, excite the senses and leave the viewer feeling satisfied. When content is crafted well, it will stop a scrolling session in seconds. Choose quality components, utilise the tools at your disposal and layer up something truly unique with the flavours your audience adores for a show-stopping centrepiece at the heart of your social media presence.

Facebook pictures by Sandwich Sandwich

A picture can tempt a thousand tastebuds and with photos like these, Sandwich Sandwich fans are set to salivate for centuries. The unique seasoning of these snaps lay out a one-of-a-kind spread that makes this brand instantly recognisable in social media feeds.

It’s fine to take inspiration from another brand's work but create something new and mix it up. After all, your unique flair is what’s going to make your brand memorable. Don’t just straight up steal the pictures like the Daily Mail did (now resolved, thankfully!). This rising company deserves fair recognition for its outstanding social media chops, including some of the most standout photos that have caught my attention in a long time. 

Step 3. Sprinkle with social proof.

As if the above wasn’t evidence enough of the quality and pure passion put into the products, Sandwich Sandwich has some serious social proof to back up the buzz. Awarded as the Restaurant of the Year 2023 by Uber Eats and voted Best Independent Sandwich Retailer of the Year UK 2023, these impressive feats are proudly displayed across InstagramFacebookLinkedInX and TikTok.

Another trust-building technique is the sharing of reviews and star ratings. Boasting a sizzling 4.8 out of 5 stars on Facebook, Sandwich Sandwich proves it’s cooking up some serious superfans with this word-of-mouth marketing method.

Positive review and recommendation on the Sandwich Sandwich Facebook page

To top it all off, on Facebook and LinkedIn there’s the additional mention of the business having 30 years of experience. This morsel of info adds an extra reason to trust the brand with your stomach and your wallet.

Social proof on the Sandwich Sandwich LinkedIn page

With sandwiches spectacular enough to speak for themselves, it could be easy to overlook the power of drizzling socials in even more reasons to indulge. Social proof builds trust, can influence decision making, increase conversions and boost the amount of money customers spend. How can you add social proof to your social media profiles? Start by thinking of reasons you could give potential customers to trust your brand. Then place those reasons in easy-to-find places on your profiles.

We hope these examples whet your appetite for social media success. Make sure you’re adding the right ingredients to your social media profiles by tracking your progress with - try it today!

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