4 Important Things To Know About Your Followers

It’s fair to say that the better you know your Instagram audience, the easier it is to create content that is suited to them. Instagram does a pretty good job of telling you the basics about your audience demographics, but there is a lot of additional information available that could be useful.
Here are 4 important insights to help you tailor your media to your followers…
When Your Audience Is Online
If you don’t know when your followers are online, how can you provide the best communication and service to them when they need it? Information about when your audience is likely to be using Instagram comes in handy as an indicator for when you should also be online. It shapes when you post, how you interact with your audience, and when it would be best for your customer service team to be available to deal with enquiries.

When Your Audience Is Most Likely To Engage With Your Posts
Used in conjunction with the previous piece of data, knowing when your audience is likely to engage with your posts takes scheduling to the next level. Being online doesn’t mean that your audience is necessarily going to interact with posts. Knowing when your audience is most likely to engage with your posts can help you play to Instagram’s algorithm. Generally speaking the more interaction you get early on, the more the algorithm pushes your media to more of your audience.

Language Of Your Followers
As your audience grows, so may the diversity. It’s worth looking into how diverse the languages of your followers are. If there is a large percentage who have a different first language to your own, think about what the best course of action may be. For example, you could create different branded accounts specific to different countries. This information could also shape the language your text is in. There is the automatic translation button integrated into Instagram, but think about how much more your audience will appreciate you making the effort to communicate with them even better.

When You Are Mentioned By A Follower
Knowing what your audience really thinks is a key strategy to getting your brand and business right! You need to be aware of the conversations people are having. This allows you to take on board improvements and give your followers more of what they like.

Having your mentions all in one place makes it easier for you to browse through conversations, reply to concerns, and pick out praise to share with your audience. In fact, this piece of kit goes beyond your followers and to the whole of the Instagram community. If you’re mentioned - it’s here!