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10 Brands embracing the New mixed media Twitter feature

Twitter Marketing Dec 1, 2022
10 Brands embracing the New mixed media Twitter feature

Twitter has recently rolled out a brand new feature that allows users to share photos, videos and GIFs in the same tweet. It didn’t take long for creative genius to follow as people, brands and businesses jumped into the deep end with this exciting new Twitter addition. We’ve found 10 examples from brands to give you the confidence to combine multiple pieces of media for maximum impact.

Here’s 10 brands using the new Twitter mixed media feature…

1. Netflix

Video streaming service @netflix opted for a side-by-side photo and video combo capturing a beautiful moment at an event. This brings extra life to the image, making the viewer feel like they could step into the scene.

Mixed media tweet by @netflix side-by-side photo and video of event
Mixed media tweet by @netflix

What moments could benefit from a video in addition to a photo in your business' social media?


Japanese animation studio @JP_GHIBLI shared a photo and a video of a book. The video flicks through the pages of the book, giving the viewer a great preview of the product.

Mixed media tweet by @JP_GHIBLI video and photo of product
Mixed media tweet by @JP_GHIBLI

Showcasing your product with a shiny image, as well as a video showing its features, could be the next step in drumming up interest from potential buyers.


Gaming and entertainment company @SEGA used mixed media as a reply in a tweet thread. In the tweet they showcased more moments from an event, through photos and a video, as the event was taking place.

When you want to share even more media, a thread of tweets could be the answer.

4. Kansas City Royals

American professional baseball team @Royals shared this event moment with 2 photos next to a video. Not only can a viewer imagine the atmosphere - they can view it in full swing.

Mixed media tweet by @Royals 2 photos and 1 video of action shot
Mixed media tweet by @Royals

Bring your tweets to life with action shots and a video to suck viewers in.

5. Los Angeles Chargers

American football team @chargers shared this info-led photo with a video of the moment. The image gives viewers context so the video can be fully appreciated and enjoyed.

Mixed media tweet by @chargers photo with text for context and video
Mixed media tweet by @chargers

Would it help your viewers if you added text to a photo to provide more context for a video?

6. KFC

Fast food restaurant chain @kfc embraced the power of a GIF in this creative take on mixed media tweets. Through adding 3 images and 1 GIF in the right order, @kfc created a picture with their product as the star.

Mixed media tweet by @kfc picture made of 3 photos and a GIF
Mixed media tweet by @kfc

Creating a scene through pictures and GIFs could grab attention in an ingenious way.

7. Pizza Hut

Pizza pioneers @pizzahut recreated a popular meme using photos, a GIF and their product as the subject. Using a recognisable meme instantly sparks relatability and might even tease a giggle from the viewer.

Mixed media tweet by @pizzahut photos and GIF to recreate famous meme
Mixed media tweet by @pizzahut

How can your brand use well-known images or memes in a creative way?

8. Steak-umm

Thin-sliced frozen steak brand @steak_umm compiled 3 images and a video to recreate a popular and regularly-repurposed meme of the singer @Drake. The premise is that the top thing is bad and the bottom thing is ideal. This tweet by @steak_umm is a little meta, which is cool considering how new the mixed media feature is.

Could your brand repurpose a popular meme for fresh Twitter content?

9. SaKo

This mixed media tweet by @_IAmSaKo_ is nothing short of inspired. This art, code and game developer took note of how Twitter shows multiple GIFs to viewers in a single tweet. When you view this post, the 4 GIFs play one after another. This customises this character with different accessories. It’s fun, it’s functional, it’s fabulous.

Adding several GIFs that play one after another could keep viewers on your tweet for longer. How can you combine creativity with GIFs to make the most of this option?

10. Curly

Artist @crly___ shows a finished design picture next to a video of the process, proving that mixed media tweets can help grow personal brands and smaller businesses. This technique would also work really well for recipes, makeup tutorials and how-to guides.

Mixed media tweet by @crly___

Is there an interesting process you can show through a video while grabbing attention with a high-quality image?

We hope you’re inspired to try mixed media tweets on your business Twitter profile. Don’t forget to track your exciting new tweets with Minter.io - the analytics tool for social media. You can see which of your tweets your audience vibes with the most, giving you the power to create a bigger impact with your brand, message and mission. Try it today!

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Sarah Rachel

Fan of tea, rock music and fluffy animals.